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food academy logo
Villa Sorra forms a meeting point for visitors and acts as a physical celebration of its surroundings.
The logo is composed by merging the key elements of the municipality of Castelfranco Emilia.
While the wine glass is easily identifiable, the second component represents the cypress trees of the Mediterranean climate but can also be interpreted as a fork or mirrored set of knives. In its final form, the logo moulds the shape of the Villa Sorra itself. Specifically using baroque principles when designing - symmetry and geometry - is also a reflection of the villa’s architectural style and shape.
The repetitive background maximizes the impact of the logo, by creating an impression of the vast scale and amount
of resources which come from all around - the vineyards, fields, farms.
Breaking this repetition with the house-shaped logo suggests something more man-made but almost as a byproduct of the region’s history, foods, labour and surrounding nature. This is also reflected in the tricolora; landscape,
dairy & foods, terra cotta. The visitor of this centre understands its position andvalue in the wider
context - saperi e sapori.
villa sorra - food academy logo
status: public architectural competition | finalist
location: Castelfranco Emilia, ITA
year: 2020
collaboration: Elizabeth Jackson
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