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lasciatemi cantare

It is hard to believe that for decades the potential of the Roccamandolfi castle remained unnoticed. The fairy-tale ruins

of the medieval castle and the stunning views of the surrounding scenery together create the most unique genius loci.

These aspects in particular are key to our approach. We do not intend to thoroughly reconstruct the castle but rather renew its missing parts and add on another layer as a testimony of our times.

We enter the historical context with non-invasive interventions, the existing fragments of ramparts being renewed by adding on light rod constructions, the terrain being levelled with gravel from the neighbouring quarry. We suggest building procedures that do not require wet processes and make full use of the local potential and materials.

At the first sight, it is obvious that the geometrical constructions embedded within the entire area

do not imitate the world of nature. Their lapidary forms evoke the ability of man to create for himself

a rational space without copying his environment. On the other hand, it ideally fulfils modern

requirements for a generous accommodation within a natural setting.

We believe, that besides the enjoyment of a wide scale of outdoor activities it is equally important

to relish a place of rest, ideally one that enhances the connection with the surrounding scenery.

The universal character of all of the buildings in the hotel resort is underpinned by the functional features such as built in storage spaces, mobile sliding walls and walkable roofs.

In modern architecture, we need to take into account the integral questions of sustainability and efficiency. Our answer to these problems consists of a simple steel skeletal construction that is quick and easy to transport and assemble. Besides the reduction in the CO2 footprint, it allows for flexible reaction to the ever-changing requirements of the market. Needless to say, minimal technological intrusion and maximum natural use of daylight and shade are always taken into consideration.

king's apartment


town hall meeting

3 persons 20 sqm

2 persons + 2 33 sqm

2 persons + 2 33 sqm

4 persons + 2 44 sqm

lasciatemi cantare - resort with the view(s)

status: public architectural competition | competition entry

location: Castle of Roccamandolfi, FRA

year: 2017

co-author: Ivana Stiborova

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