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rome poetry hall

status: competition entry

location: Rome, ITA

year: 2016

I do not believe architecture has to speak too much. It should remain silent and let nature in the guise of sunlight and wind.

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In centuries, Rome has been the greatest source of inspiration for centuries past. It is, and always has been, where we can find antiquity anywhere we look - not only in the ancient architecture itself, but also in other architectural styles featuring antique elements. To design a new building right in

the centre of Rome is an extremely sensitive and such is the case of Piazza Galeno. It is a place, where a traffic junction meets a silhouettes of Roman town houses - a place with potential that currently goes unnoticed.

My design hence seeks to extend the public space as much as possible and thus make full use of

the location. I therefore decided to create some kind of siblings in construction - two brothers, Romulus and Remus,  twins that could not exist one without the other.

One side of the tramway line hides a small square with a cafe within a curved arcade, while the other side features an amphitheatre with varied width of steps for multi-functional use. Both sides shall be covered by oval beamed ceiling, creating a kind of interior in the exterior - a place for your daily life but also for the special occasions.

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